Friday, June 4, 2010

Champagne Supernova - Oasis

We were a strange trio - between us we were dramatic, stylish, outspoken, self-conscious, workaholic, gay, insane, Jewish, nerdy, quiet, from the country and crazy.

As lecture notes were passed around, so were cramped, scribbled comments and notes in the margins, on the back page or between paragraphs. Gossip was thrown back and forth about each other, our classmates and love interests.

In the dead of winter, we'd sit far too close to the front, two of us shamelessly 'stealing' ice-cream off of the other.

As time passed, we drifted apart; we became too busy, to overworked, too caught up in the worlds that we revolved in.

Yet every birthday, Chrismukkah, going-away and life crisis party we're always there for one another.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race - Fall Out Boy

That summer was so idyllic while it lasted; it came straight from the pages of a chick lit-novel,a cheesy American film and my own teenage imagination.

Under the glare of a sun at the very pinnacle of its height we lazed on beach-towels, on manicured lawns, on courtyard pavers. What a group we were, to be so close to one another and yet bury so many secrets deep within ourselves.

It was the summer we never wanted to end - blistering days spent submerged in swimming pools and thick, heavy nights in front of television screens laughing at one show or the next.

How do you describe such ignorant perfection? A summer so unreal that it could never actually exist.

No surprises that it soon vanished as quickly as a cloud at noon in December.

A small betrayal; a lie told. Hearts broken and treasured Christmas gifts returned in fits of rage. White burning anger, a sickening realisation and feigned confusion tore apart that perfect summer and replaced it with endless scorching days, sleepless nights and a friendship too broken to ever be repaired.

Oh, the summer of 2006-2007.